Friday, May 15, 2009


The previous mention of vacation (holiday) has me thinking. And I know my talking about going on a vacation may seem odd having just got back from the UK but I really have the yen to travel and see something new or experience a different culture. The UK was, and is always, fun and a going home experience but it is also tinged with obligation and craziness in trying to fit in seeing as many people as possible.

I am a late starter with travel but have really learned to love it. The little travelling I have done has allowed me to visit a few different places and often it is the people you meet that make the difference. The smile and support you sometimes get when trying to speak someones language (albeit butchering it along the way) is incredibly rewarding. Don't get me wrong there are equally folks out there who will not be helpful, interested or engaged but the good times outweigh the bad and the bad often gives you something to laugh about later.

The thought and planning around travelling is almost as fun and therapeutic as the trip itself. I am not sure what that says about me and I am not going to look at that too closely, for now.

So perhaps a side project to pique my interest when time allows.

Note: The attached photo is from a trip to Amsterdam with my wife when we took my brothers-in-law on their first major trip abroad.


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