Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 3, Bagless in Bavaria

(...delayed post due to no net connection...)

So today (Mon 21st) we got news that there is no news on our bags...excellent!

This meant spending the morning buying clothes for the next few days as everything was shut yesterday due to it being Sunday. This meant all the shopping had to be completed before we boarded the boat in the afternoon. Shopping for a complete wardrobe...a woman's dream, a man's nightmare and all to be done to a budget and time limit. All the makings of a bad gameshow or a task on the amazing race.

Actually M hated it too due to the restrictive parameters of the task. And exhausting especially competing with the Christmas shopper crowd.

But we were victorious, and yes I mean we WON as it was a battle of wills, minds and bodies from which we emerged foot sore but with clothing that at least means tomorrow is not Groundhog day again.

A true test of a relationship one might say, if one was still on speaking terms...I jest, M is asleep which is why we're not speaking.

No sooner out of the shops than into a taxi and to our boat for the next leg of our journey. We made the boat at 4.30pm enjoying swift showers before safety and welcome meetings started and we started to acclamate. It's certainly nice to finally be aboard enjoying all the MS Amalyra has to offer.

As I sign off we have just set sail at 11.00pm to the scratching and scraping of ice breaking down the sides of the boat hull. I feel like an arctic explorer looking for the northwest passage...but with cocktails on demand.

Brilliant start to the cruise. Till the next time, keep your tiller in your hand and your helm steady.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod


  1. Honey, This is a test...this is only a test. You're a star and I love you!

  2. Your experience sounds awfully challenging, but pretty amazing! I made one of these winter boat journeys once, back in December of 1996 on a voyage to Sweden. I didn't take a cruise, but your recount of that whole ice against the hull sound thing brought back memories of crossing the water between Denmark and Sweden to get to Gothenburg by New Year's Eve, a taxi, 2 planes, a bus, boat, train, and another bus later. :-D
